Celebrating 10 Years of Fresh Tri: A Reflection of our Iterative Journey

October 9, 2023

On October 10th, 2023, Fresh Tri will celebrate its 10th birthday! The journey to 10 years wasn’t linear and the Fresh Tri that stands before you today is a result of tweaks and iteration. Each step in the company’s journey has played a huge role, so help us celebrate by walking down memory lane.



In 2013, Fresh Tri founder and CEO, Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH, launched the behavior design firm, engagedIN. Utilizing behavior and brain science, engagedIN aimed to bridge the Brain-Behavior Gap™ (the gap between what people know they should do and what they actually do).

Expanding on this mission, engagedIN went on to develop a technological tool for employee wellness and HR executives. By combining a game-like experience with the latest behavioral research, this tool helped companies increase employee engagement and achieve true behavior change.


engagedIN Partners with Walmart

In 2018, Walmart became the first company to offer its Associates a specialized version of engagedIN’s behavior change technology. Together, engagedIN and Walmart created the Fresh Tri app with a specific focus on healthy eating and nutrition. The Fresh Tri app helped Walmart Associates eat healthier by teaching them an iterative mindset. “By generating an iterative mindset in employees, Fresh Tri gives employers an easy way to empower their people and make their healthy efforts resilient and sustainable.”

The Fresh Tri app has helped many Walmart Associates not only achieve weight loss but also maintain their progress over time. This is owed to the Iterative Mindset Method™—the brain-science-backed approach the app is based upon. Through persistent iterations or tweaks to the app, engagedIN officially became Fresh Tri in 2019.


Fresh Tri Partners with the CDC

In 2021, Fresh Tri partnered with the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create customized habits within the Fresh Tri app. These habits were specifically designed for participants of the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP).

The customized habits were designed to help combat chronic illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes and obesity. They catered to each person’s individual journey and helped to design the life they wanted.


Fresh Tri Today

Today, Fresh Tri remains on its mission to help everyone achieve life-long health and wellness through behavior change and healthy habit formation. Fresh Tri supports individuals’ journeys to eat healthy, move more, think positively, and manage stress. The Fresh Tri app is free for all to download and is equipped with recipes, workouts, a community of like-minded individuals, and many other resources to cater to every journey.

The journey that has led to the Fresh Tri you know today has been full of tweaks and iterations and for that reason, we celebrate. Life is a beautiful journey and by embracing the process of iteration, we can design the life we want and achieve our fullest potential. Thank you for supporting us thus far. We can’t wait to see where we’ll be in the next 10 years. Happy 10th birthday, Fresh Tri!

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