Manage Stress. Live Your Best.

Find your inner peace and stress less.

Stress robs you of a clear head, an open heart, and a productive life. Don’t give in. Everything you need to manage stress is already inside you. Learn yourself and find the right  practices that’ll help you effectively manage stress, not just for a season . . . but through the rest of your life.

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Top How-To’s

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Practice evening gratitude

Take time for yourself

Remind yourself frustration is temporary

Imagine yourself in a peaceful setting

Reframe negative thinking

Users are finding inner peace and feeling less stress

As always grateful for this app and that I have capacity for acceptance in the bumpy road of life (deep breath in and a long breath out)...🙏🏻
Grateful for finding this app and making it through day 3 of a new life.
Today I am grateful for simplicity. I did not let my surroundings define me. I eased through my day, and by the end was a lot less stressed
I’ve been through some very challenging times with friends family and work lately and finally feel like I’m on a less stressful path or one that doesn’t feel like a burden this week

Fresh Tri is redefining what success looks like — as long as you're trying, you're winning.