Walmart + Fresh Tri

Boost your mood with food!

March 2023


Boost your mood with food!

Did you know that nutritious food can help you feel better inside AND out? Your mind and body are meant to live in harmony. Adding healthier options to your plate can help boost your mood.  

So, where to start?

Choose one healthy habit that fits your lifestyle. 

And we can show you exactly how. With the Fresh Tri app, you can find the habits you naturally gravitate towards, receive personalized support for habit formation, and connect with a community of others. 

Let’s start together

Start building health habits today!

Top How-To’s

Drink a glass of water before your meal

Prep produce when you get home from the store

Use your stomach as a stop sign

Disconnect the behaviors

Avoid extreme hunger

Look at our Tri[be] creating healthy habits for lasting change!

[Fresh Tri provided a] reboot in my relationship with food. I’ve been on a “diet” my whole adult life. I’m grateful for an opportunity to learn to just eat until satisfied.
Keep reminding myself that diets don’t really work, but that a healthy lifestyle does. Sometimes I get impatient with weight loss and need to keep bringing to my remembrance that slow and steady wins the race. 🐢🏆😊
I know eating better is the best way to find long term healing. I just have to acknowledge relapses happen…but I am NOT restarting from ZERO! I’ve lost 40lbs this year, so YEAH ME!
Lost a total of 8lbs this month just by eating right thank you so much Fresh Tri.