Take the pledge before time runs out!


Say No to Resolutions,

Say YES to The Iterative Mindset

Wondering what New Years resolutions to set? How about NONE. Why? Because resolutions DO NOT WORK.

Join Fresh Tri as we challenge individuals to SAY NO TO RESOLUTIONS this year! 

By now, we can all agree that resolutions are just…well, pointless. Each year we set ambitious goals only to find that they do not stick with us in the long run. So instead, take an approach that does work.

Iteration works

Learn iteration using The Iterative Mindset Method™, free yourself from failure and live a healthier and happier life.

What is IMM?

The Iterative Mindset Method™ (also known as IMM for short) is a practice and tweak approach that helps you build healthy habits that last for life. The Fresh Tri app teaches you this.

So…Are you IMM? Or are you out?

Take the Pledge

for a chance to win a $2,000 value prize!

Take the pledge and learn how to create lasting change.

PLUS get entered into our Grand Sweepstakes! Winner can choose from one of three prize packages: 

1) Glamping Trip in Big Sur, CA for two plus $500 cash to be used for air travel

2) Spa Weekend Getaway – $2,000 SpaFinder Gift Card

3) Dream Vacation – $2,000 Airbnb Gift Card

Submit the form below to get redirected to the sweepstakes page.

I Pledge to Say No To Resolutions

Join the thousands who have already started

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